Chinese Cinema Study Day – 10th June, 2016

Dynasties, daggers and duty: a Chinese cinema Study Day for KS3 Mandarin – Event 2


On Thursday 4th February, the British Film Institute (BFI) held a Mandarin studies film event for teachers and students. Due to the popularity and success of this event, it will be held again on Friday 10th June at the Southbank in London.

Led by the IOE Confucius Institute’s James Trapp, the event will appeal to teachers wishing to try out different approaches in teaching through engaging with exciting visual material.The morning session will feature a range of film clips from modern depictions of traditional Chinese tales such as The Curse of the Golden Flower and The House of Flying Daggers through to more contemporary themes like The Story of Qiu Ju and The Road Home. The themes of dichotomy which Chinese directors are exploring such as, rural versus urban, tradition versus modern, and past versus present will be explored through these films, plus the representation of young people through their responsibilities and plights.

There will be interactive activities for students to engage with and opportunities for extending vocabulary linked to the films. Students will be encouraged to interact in Mandarin where possible. In the afternoon there will be an introduced screening of a suitable Chinese language feature film.

For further information about this event and how to book tickets, please click here to access the BFI Southbank’s website.